Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell A Portrait of Arthur Russell is a new feature length documentary by Matt Wolf. Arthur Russell was an avant-garde cellist and disco producer who died in 1992.
NY Post Punk-Funk Phenomena Scott Hartley, Richard McGuire, Salvatore Principato και Dennis Young, αυτά είναι τα μέλη μιας φοβερής και τρομερής μπάντας εκεί στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του ογδόντα που συγκλόνισε την Νέα Υόρκη επηρεάζοντας δεκάδες και δεκάδες κατοπινά groups. Οι Liquid Liquid ηχογράφησαν το "Cavern''στο Ep Optimο δινοντάς μας μια από της πιο ιστορικές στιγμές της χορευτικής νεοϋορκέζικης underground. Το κομμάτι αυτό χρησιμοποίησαν οι Grandmaster Flash και Melle Mel για να φτιάξουν το dance classic White Lines. Όσοι δεν κατάφεραν να αποκτήσουν την ιστορική επανακυκλοφορία του άλμπουμ τους από την βρετανική εταιρεία MoWax τώρα μπορούν να αποκτήσουν την νέα συλλογή κομματιών τους από την Domino με τίτλο Slip In And Out Of Phenomenon.
A Cultural Activist. Rest in Peace Andy Vivien Palacio, musician, born December 2 1960,died January 19 2008 Great Garifuna Embassador. His music was poetry. What a beautiful person, who will be missed greatly. Rest in Peace Andy Palacio. Entertain all in heaven the same way you entertained us here on earth. The world lost an amazing artist. Palacio was born and raised in the coastal village of Barranco and worked briefly as a teacher before turning to music. He sang mainly in Garifuna, an Arawakan language with a large number of words borrowed from Carib, French, and Spanish, but also composed English-only songs. He was the first musical artist from Belize to have a music video on international television. He received the award for "Best New Artist" at the Caribbean Music Awards in 1991, and was post-humously awarded the BBC3 Awards for World Music award in the Americas Category, in 2008. Carifuna:Descendants of African slaves, the Garífuna were shipwrecked on the island of St Kitts in 1635 and formed inter-racial communities with the indigenous people - until 1797, when the British brutally expelled them to Honduras. From there, they spread out along the coasts of Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, and arrived in Belize in 1802.